I've got love for you, if you were born in the...

Thursday, 11 June 2009


A while ago I wrote about the time when Jon Snow came to speak to the students at UCLan, and noted how he had mentioned about the tendency for the people of London, especially in the media industry, to have an extremely 'London-centric' mindset. This idea has been brought to my attention once again with the most recent public interest story absorbing most of the news headlines at the moment about the tube workers going on strike and Londoners having to cycle/walk/row to work - the poor dears.

Now, I completely agree that we as a nation should support our capital city and should show an interest in what's going on there, but there comes a point when I wonder if any other part of the country - especially the north - matter to the country in the slightest? It seems as though the only time us poor stupid northerners receive any coverage in the press is when there's a bomb scare in Manchester or Swine Flu in Ripon.

Northern folk are constantly being portrayed as commoners who are disinterested in anything of cultural value and ignorant about matters involving race and homosexuality (something which can be true in some cases but is not an attitude necessarily confined to the north).

I find the general snobbery of many southerners distinctly narrow-minded and I can't help but feel indignant about the misconceptions generally held by most.

PS. A lot of my good friends are from the south - this is not aimed at them, I love them all dearly!


Johno 15 June 2009 at 11:57  

Does Spears snobbery annoy you then!? go southerners!! ooooo rrrrr!!!

Sam Lee 15 June 2009 at 20:29  

"Northern folk are constantly being portrayed as commoners who are disinterested in anything of cultural value and ignorant about matters involving race and homosexuality"

There's a wicked part of my brain tempted to respond to this with one magical, irrefutably factual phrase: "There's no smoke without fire".

However, seeing as how I love the North and wholeheartedly agree with you on most of your points, I won't.
Another good point well made. Ten points.

Heather Lee 16 June 2009 at 00:05  

As ever, love the feedback and love you both more than life itself.

Thanks for reading!


Dave 30 June 2009 at 16:12  

I suppose because London is really big, it is more news-worthy than a transport strike in Burnley for example. That said, they do call London "The City", which makes you wonder what they consider Manchester and Liverpool to be.

I have met a few Northerners over the years, and the majority of them seemed jolly nice.

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