Running Wild

Saturday, 23 August 2008

So, as another two weeks of emotion, upset and celebration come to a dramatic end tomorrow, we look back on one of the best Olympic Games the planet has ever seen. From the rightfully cocky Jamaican, nick-named 'The Lightening Bolt', good old Usain, smashing the world record and taking his place in the history books, to the little English diver, Tom Daley who has captured the hearts of housewives and swooning young girls across the country, there has never been a dull moment. I must admit, the coverage from the BBC has to be congratulated. The hand-overs from the magnificent Bird's Nest stadium from the lovely Sue Barker to fresh faced presenter Jake Humphreys - who reports on pretty much everything else going on in the Games - were really entertaining to watch. Jake unashamedly flirted with Cliff Richard's ex missus and she giggled through each link as he commented on her choice of dress or joked that she would be buying the drinks in the bar later. All in all it added a really personal touch to the whole event and made up for the odd occasion when the sports itself was a little dry to watch. Bring on 2012.


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